Hello Strangers!
It has been far too long since my last creative post, and I apologize profusely for that. I would like to reassure you all that my silence here does not mean I have not been writing, because I have. Everyday I am inspired by what could seem like a small pin drop in one’s daily life. Just as others, I am inspired by new experiences and places. The important news is that I am excited by my classes in publishing, I am feeling challenged in my writing seminars, and I have rekindled my love for London.
To quote Moulin Rouge, “Everything is going so well!”
Now, I am not going to fill this post with my day-to-day life – visit my travel blog for those tidbits – I am just here to fill you in on my current life as an overexerted, and happy (!!!), writer: First of all, I am sad to say I have not touched “The Corporation” since landing in England. I do have intentions to continue editing, but it will have to wait till the end of November. For the first time I have decided to take part in NaNoWriMo. The odds are not in my favor at the moment, as I am already 7,000ish words behind on my weekly goal – no thanks to my REALLY AWESOME WEEK. However, I have been known to pop out between 15 and 20 pages of writing in one day, so I am not yet ready to throw in my notebook!!!
For fellow writers who want to find me on the NaNoWriMo site, I am under the name: kristinbergene & my profile picture is the one hanging around in this post – haha.
Now, here are my
plans for future creative writing posts:
With the prospect of NaNoWriMo I will be adding weekly excerpts from the text. Of course, since I am 7,000 words behind, I will not be posting an except until this coming mid-week. I had thought of posting the daily progress of NaNoWriMo, but if this book turns into something wonderful, I do not want to be sharing all my secrets on the plot and characters.
I am in the middle of reworking a piece from my writer’s workshop, entitled “The Interview.” For this post, I have the intention of doing a before and after on the piece and any feedback would be welcomed. I would be interested to know your thoughts.
For a publishing course, I was required to write a blog post on a topic of my choosing. At the moment I am uncertain of their plans for our submitted posts – wether they are going to use it on the Publishing blog, or if it was just for the assignment, I have no idea. Either way, I hate to waste a good post and since my topic choice was – “What is Publishing” – which relates to this blog, I plan on posting it here. I just want to wait for the marks first.
Finally in my list of tentative posts, I have been given a brief exercise on creating a character and as soon as I am comfortable with the piece, I will be posting it on here for all you lovely subscribers to read.
And now that you know I am alive, and that this blog is still in my thoughts, back to NaNoWriMo! (Only 7,000 words to go for today…)
xx, Kristin