This post is purely to show all the beautiful things that are currently thriving in our garden! I’m not sure about you, but I needed something a little light and fluffy, with a little taste of pretty – and not a lot of words… enjoy!
Up first! The pretty things on our patio…
Up next… our produce!
This crazy thing is a peanut seedling, in a pot that is way to small, but was planted by a squirrel.
Snappeas and my crazy bailing twine jungle
We need a better plan…
How will we get to these carrots, you ask? I have no clue…
A few weeks ago, these were seeds! So excited for some summer squash.
Tomato plant! Still our only remaining tomato, and one that we did seed ourselves.
Soooo tall…
Guess which plants are the youngest? Sigh…
Green bean bushes – you can see the starts of them in the middle.
And last but not least, the flower bed…
Flowers from my dad ❤
Baby sunflower that is sure taking it’s time to grow!
Like little fireworks!
And, that’s all for now!