We have officially relaunched TIME FRAME with a fantastic piece of digital art by Jason Sagat, Illuminature. A talent that helped us reach our goal of over 250 hits in less than 12 hours. It is easily our highest number of daily hits since the blog began in 2011. If you are interested in the new team please check out: The Team. If you are interested in submitting your work please check out: Submit Your Work and send and email to whatsyourtimeframe@gmail.com – xx, Kristin
About the artist: Jason Sagat is currently going into his senior year at SUNY Oneonta in the United States as a Computer Art major (Business Communications and Apparel and Textiles minors).
“I wanted to start getting my name and work out there and I thought this could be a great place to do so. I’m very interested in photography, as well as graphic design. This image is essentially multiple photographs edited/blended together to create a somewhat abstract visual. Please check out more of my work at jasonsagat.carbonmade.com and http://students.oneonta.edu/sagajm12/cart206/as6/index.html.”